On the 17th to the 21st June 2024, IMBISA hosted a workshop in Pretoria, South Africa for recently ordained bishops to raise awareness on the psycho-spiritual well-being and its nurturing for the benefit of personal development and pastoral ministry.
The recently ordained bishops gathered at Padre Pio Retreat Centre with the theme “Enhancing psycho-spiritual counselling in the IMBISA region”. Guided by experts from the region participants reflected on psychosocial care in consecrated life, the importance of mental health among priests with suitable interventions and strategies, trauma in ministry, and spiritual well-being and self-care.
Participants valued the opportunity to express communion with fellow bishops and appreciated the learning and insights gathered from the presentations and discussions. One of the lessons learnt was the importance of self-care and caring for others.
The commitment to the provision of healing with what is available was reiterated by the bishops, since trauma is wounding many, often without them knowing, and with serious consequences for the life of the Church.
“We are a river that is made by small streams,” said the bishops, as they committed themselves to contribute to increasing awareness of mental health among their peers and all those entrusted to them in ministry.
In conclusion, the bishops are looking forward to future workshops and commit themselves to ongoing formation in a synodal spirit.