Today the church celebrates the Epiphany of the Lord who after birth revealed himself not only to the shepherds but to the Magi from the East as well. We can meditate on the following several points to nurture our spirituality this new year.
1. The Wise men from the East brought gifts to the baby Jesus knowing fully his identity:
- Incense because Jesus born of the virgin Mary is the eternal high priest to offer the sacrifice of redemption for the whole world.
- Gold because Jesus is king, and like Solomon, clothed with gold.
- Myrrh because Jesus is the prophet so the anticipated his brutal killing and thereafter anoint his body never to decay.
So for us what do we have to give the Lord each day? Are those gifts befitting the identity of the recipient? How about the gifts to our fellow brothers and sisters? I suppose it’s high time we reach out to others if we anticipate the Lord’s blessings upon us, and more surely those gifts should match the receiver’s standards. Help improving your parishes, the poor amongst you, and so on. To the Lord let us always offer the chalice of salvation and bless his name for ever.
2. They kneeled before the child Jesus.
Let us recall to practice our catholic spirituality. Go for adoration to kneel before the Lord, during the consecration during mass, let us truly kneel before our Lord, and each time we enter the church Jesus is present in the Eucharist, let us kneel immediately before taking our seats and finally let us kneel and glorify our lord in our respective homes every day.
3. Herod wanted to kill the baby Jesus out of envy.
Not everyone who wishes to worship with us is always having the pure intentions. That’s why this new year we have to change the directions and paths of old like the Wise men from the East. Be informed that some people are very cruel. Don’t be afraid to desert them otherwise we shall suffer or other people suffer out of our ignorance. Be ready to cut some ties, be ready to do the right alone; majority is not always right.
4. The star guided them to the Lord.
We have come a long way to think that it’s the duty only for the priests to draw people to God. You too are the star. It does not matter how many times you messed up last time. You still shine like the star. Courage. You can do better this year to show other people the graciousness of God. With your strength hold fast to call people to the right and truth, that’s why we find the Lord. If people always tell how bad you are, while ignoring that you were once good and beneficial to them, and of course you are still good, I say to you, you are shining despite your small flaws. 2025 is yet another of focus only your strength to do good, and never lose hope. Let the good Lord use you as his instrument to bring light to the darkened world of men’s world. You are the star and go on shining and reflecting God to those you meet this year.
Happy New Year to you all.