
Bishops’ visit to the institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life

An eye opener for promotion of religious personnel as observed by Bishop Rudolf Nyandoro

The 6th September, the third day of the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops’ Ad. Limina Visit, saw the Bishops celebrating Mass at Lateran Basilica. This is the Cathedral of the Pope as Bishop of Rome. That is where his chair is.

We had a wonderful celebration of Mass after which we went to pray for the intentions of the Pope and our own intentions.

At 9:00am, we visited the Dicastery for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and societies of Apostolic life. We learnt quite a lot on the promotion of religious personnel. Among other issues the dicastery deals with ongoing formation, monastic life, ordinary life and apostolate and disciplinary issues.

We then went to the Pontifical Commission for Protection of Minors. It was a good experience to share with the Commission our experiences with the minors in Zimbabwe and how we safeguard them. We discussed policy making issues, advocacy, ongoing workshops and rehabilitation centers for the affected. We also shared on issues of dealing with different abuse situations in the atmosphere of prayer.

The last visit was at the works of the Church where we had supper.

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