
IMBISA Invitation

IMBISA Standing Committee, Bishops, Priests, General Secretaries, Theologians, Religious, Brothers and Sisters, and People of God!

The IMBISA Secretariat invites Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Religious men and women, Deacons, Theologians, thinkers from other fields, Seminarians, people interested in the growth of the Catholic Church and all men of good will to the eighth virtual theological reflection of theologians and thinkers in IMBISA to be held on September 6, 2022 at 11.00 am (Harare time). These reflections aim to be an active participation and contribution of the Catholic Church in Southern Africa in the process of preparation for the Synod convened by His Holiness Pope Francis for 2023 on the theme: Towards a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission.

The theme of the reflection is: The virtue of wiwanana (listening to oneself) as the Church’s way of communion by Prof. Celestino Victor Mussomar from CEM (Mozambique Episcopal Conference).

The Secretariat thanks you in advance for joining this project of building a synodal Church.

Brief CV of the Speaker:
Celestino Victor Mussomar was born in Mecanhelas province of Niassa, Mozambique.
He holds a Doctorate in History, Philosophical and Social Sciences from the University of Studies of Rome Tor Vergata and in Philosophy from the Pontifical Ateneu Sant’Anselmo in Rome and is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Theology at the same Athenaeum. He is researcher at University of Studies of Rome Tor Vergata, Director of the Center for African Studies in Italy (CeSAI) and has several publications among which The Great Blame Exodus: A Philosophical Critique of the African Economy.

Below is the link to the meeting: