
IMBISA Virtual Reflection

Dear Bishops,Priests, Religious Men and Women and all people of goodwill

Greetings from the IMBISA Secretariat!

IMBISA Secretariat invites you to an Online Theological Reflection on the theme
“AFTER ALL DOES GOD ASK OR FORBID HUMAN SACRIFICES (Gen 22,1.11ss)?” An African reading of Isaac’s sacrifice –  will be presented by Father Bonifácio Tchimboto, Episcopal Conference of Angola and S. Tomé and Príncipe (CEAST).

Brief CV of Father Bonifácio Tchimboto
He is a 58-year-old priest of the Diocese of Benguela, Graduated in Biblical Theology from the Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome, postdoctoral in African Studies from Tangaza College in Nairobi, Professor at the Bom Pastor Seminary and at the Jean Piaget Superior Institute, Coordinator of the Nucleus of Studies of the Piaget Institute, founder of the research magazine Facta Lux and member of the Executive Committee of BICAM-CEBAM (Bible Center of Africa and Madagascar) and Director of the National Commission for Biblical Pastoral in Angola.
Date:                           13 July 2023
Time:                           11am (GMT+2+)


Meeting ID             894 5421 2831
Passcode                 571206